Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering Technical University of Munich. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier: A novel mesh regularization approach based on finite element distortion potentials: Application to material expansion processes with extreme volume change. Methods Appl. Engrg, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Full text mediaTUM Ahmed, Mabroor;Bicher, Sandra;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth;Lindner, Rainer;Raulefs, Susanne;Schmid, Thomas E;Spasova, Suzana;Stolz, Jessica;Wilkens, Jan Jakob;Winter, Johanna;Bartzsch, Stefan: In Vivo Microbeam Radiation Therapy at a Conventional Small Animal Irradiator. Scientific Reports 14 1more… BibTeX Full text DOI Al Boustani, George;Xu, Zhuoran;Teshima, Tetsuhiko F. Advanced Materials Technologies, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Alkhodari, Mohanad;Khandoker, Ahsan H;Jelinek, Herbert F;Karlas, Angelos;Soulaidopoulos, Stergios;Arsenos, Petros;Doundoulakis, Ioannis;Gatzoulis, Konstantinos A;Tsioufis, Konstantinos;Hadjileontiadis, Leontios J: Circadian assessment of heart failure using explainable deep learning and novel multi-parameter polar images. Gebauer, Martin R. Pfaller, Jason M. Szafron, Wolfgang A. Wall: Adaptive integration of history variables in constrained mixture models for organ-scale growth and remodeling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, more… BibTeX Askari, Shahrzad;Misgeld, Thomas: Brain imaging turned inside out. Akustik Journal 24 1, more… BibTeX Full text mediaTUM Azampour, Mohammad Farid;Mach, Kristina;Fatemizadeh, Emad;Demiray, Beatrice;Westenfelder, Kay;Steiger, Katja;Eiber, Matthias;Wendler, Thomas;Kainz, Bernhard;Navab, Nassir: Multitask Weakly Supervised Generative Network for MR-US Registration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,more… BibTeX Full text DOI Azampour, Mohammad Farid;Mach, Kristina;Fatemizadeh, Jing Yuan X Blade Sex, Beatrice;Westenfelder, Kay;Steiger, Katja;Eiber, Matthias;Wendler, Thomas;Kainz, Bernhard;Navab, Nassir: Multitask Weakly Supervised Generative Network for MR-US Registration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,more… BibTeX Full text DOI Azaripasand, P. Fortschritte der Akustik -- DAGA '24, more… BibTeX Full text mediaTUM Bajool, M. Fortschritte der Akustik -- DAGA '24, more… BibTeX Full text mediaTUM Barbara Wirthl, Vitaly Wirthl, Wolfgang A. Wall: Efficient computational model of the in-flow capturing of magnetic nanoparticles by a cylindrical magnet for cancer nanomedicine. Physical Review, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Full text mediaTUM Bastian, Lennart;Xie, Yizheng;Navab, Nassir;Lähner, Zorah: Hybrid Functional Maps for Crease-Aware Non-Isometric Shape Matching. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Bauer, Lisa;Alkotub, Bayan;Ballmann, Markus;Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, Morteza;Rammes, Gerhard;Multhoff, Gabriele: Cannabidiol CBD Protects Lung Endothelial Cells from Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation In Vitro and In Vivo. Acta Biomaterialia, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Berthe, Daniel;Heck, Lisa;Resch, Sandra;Dierolf, Martin;Brantl, Johannes;Günther, Benedikt;Petrich, Christian;Achterhold, Klaus;Pfeiffer, Franz;Grandl, Susanne;Hellerhoff, Karin;Herzen, Julia: Grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography for breast tissue at an inverse compton source. Scientific Reports 14 1more… BibTeX Full text DOI Berthe, Daniel;Kolb, Anna;Rabi, Abdulrahman;Sellerer, Thorsten;Somerkivi, Villseveri;Feuerriegel, Georg Constantin;Sauter, Andreas Philipp;Meurer, Felix;Hämisch, York;Pantsar, Tuomas;Lohman, Henrik;Pfeiffer, Daniela;Pfeiffer, Franz: Evaluation of Spectral X-Ray Imaging for Panoramic Dental Images Based on a Simulation Framework. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Bertilson, Michael;von Hofsten, Olov;Maltz, Jonathan S;Taphorn, Kirsten;Herzen, Julia;Danielsson, Mats: Analyzer-free hard x-ray interferometry. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 7 1more… BibTeX Full text DOI Bijjam, Rohini;Shorter, Susan;Bratt, Alison M;O'Leary, Valerie B;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Ovsepian, Saak Victor: Neurotoxin-Derived Optical Probes for Elucidating Molecular and Developmental Biology of Neurons and Synaptic Connections : Toxin-Derived Optical Probes for Neuroimaging. Jahrestagung für Akustik -- Programm, more… BibTeX Bischof, N. Fortschritte der Akustik -- DAGA '24, more… BibTeX Full text mediaTUM Christoph P. Schmidt, Stephan Sinzig, Wolfgang A. Wall: An Electro-Chemo-Mechanic Model Resolving Delamination between Components in Complex Microstructures of Solid-State Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Full text mediaTUM Cox, Alexander;Klümper, Niklas;Stein, Johannes;Sikic, Danijel;Breyer, Johannes;Bolenz, Christian;Roghmann, Florian;Erben, Philipp;Wirtz, Jing Yuan X Blade Sex M;Wullich, Bernd;Ritter, Manuel;Hölzel, Michael;Schwamborn, Kristina;Horn, Thomas;Gschwend, Jürgen;Hartmann, : Molecular Urothelial Tumor Cell Subtypes Remain Stable During Metastatic Evolution. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, more… BibTeX Dietze, A. JASA Express Letters 4 5, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Full text mediaTUM F. Wang, X. Fu, N. Thakor and G. Cheng: Object Classification Utilizing Neuromorphic Proprioceptive Signals in Active Exploration: Validated on a Soft Anthropomorphic Hand. Food Hydrocolloids,more… BibTeX Full text DOI Feuerriegel, Georg C. European Journal of Radiology, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Fischer, Roland A. Advanced Engineering Materials, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Funk, Maja C;Nawroth, Janna;Lehmann, Mareike: A breath of the future: a novel human model for COPD and beyond. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 19 7, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Gassenhuber, Melina;Lochschmidt, Maximilian E;Hammel, Johannes;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Ikenberg, Benno;Wunderlich, Silke;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Schlegel, Jürgen;Pfeiffer, Franz;Makowski, Marcus R;others: Multimaterial decomposition in dual-energy CT for characterization of clots Jing Yuan X Blade Sex acute ischemic stroke patients. European Radiology Experimental 8 1, 52 more… BibTeX Gassenhuber, Melina;Lochschmidt, Maximilian E.
IPA - Publicationlist Bi, Yuan;Jiang, Zhongliang;Gao, Yuan;Wendler, Thomas;Karlas, Angelos. Lieferung: Okt 10 - 17,Artikel wird innerhalb von 8 Tagen versendet ; Kostenloser. Farbe: hair band only ; Größe: Einheitsgröße ; Lieferung. Kostenloser Versand. X-ray imaging and discrete element simulation: Blade-based spreading approaches. Brecht in/and Asia - Full view - UWDC - UW-Madison LibrariesIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Sterkenburg, Andrea J. Additive Manufacturing, more… BibTeX Seeber, B. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 2 , , more… BibTeX Li, Fu;Shugurov, Ivan;Busam, Benjamin;Yang, Shaowu;Ilic, Slobodan: Ws-ope: Weakly supervised 6-d object pose regression using relative multi-camera pose constraints. Catalysis Communications , , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Guan Erjiage, John Nassour, Gordon Cheng: Multi-sensory fusion of wearable sensors for automatic grasping and releasing with soft-hand exoskeleton. John Hart: Quantitative analysis of thin metal powder layers via transmission X-ray imaging and discrete element simulation: Blade-based spreading approaches.
Bi, Yuan;Jiang, Zhongliang;Gao, Yuan;Wendler, Thomas;Karlas, Angelos. abstracts) from until Abbrevations: ABST = Abstract BOOK = Book CHAP = Book Chapter. Jing Yuan, der beobachtet, wie fast eine Klinge Yanqing tötet und dann von Mara getroffen wird, weil Yanqing Jingliu ähnelt, und dann in. Kostenloser Versand. X-ray imaging and discrete element simulation: Blade-based spreading approaches. The following list includes publications (incl. Farbe: hair band only ; Größe: Einheitsgröße ; Lieferung. Lieferung: Okt 10 - 17,Artikel wird innerhalb von 8 Tagen versendet ; Kostenloser.IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, more… BibTeX Song, Tianyu;Sommersperger, Michael;Baran, The Anh;Seibold, Matthias;Navab, Nassir: HAPPY: Hip Arthroscopy Portal Placement Using Augmented Reality. The Journal of Headache and Pain 24 1 , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Somerkivi, Villeseveri;Sellerer, Thorsten;Pantsar, Tuomas;Lohman, Henrik;Pfeiffer, Franz: Spectral Photon Counting for Panoramic Dental Imaging.. Startseite Kostüme Neuheiten Anime Serien Filme Gaming Zubehöre Service. Nature Medicine, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Rühle, Alexander;Grosu, Anca-L;Wiedenmann, Nicole;Ruf, Juri;Bieber, Birgit;Stoian, Raluca;Thomsen, Andreas R;Gkika, Eleni;Vaupel, Peter;Baltas, Dimos;Weber, Wolfgang A;Mix, Michael;Nicolay, Nils H: The value of plasma hypoxia markers for predicting imaging-based hypoxia in patients with head-and-neck cancers undergoing definitive chemoradiation.. ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 11 , , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Marczynski, Matthias;Rickert, Carolin A. Wall, Christoph Meier: Additively manufactured structures with powder inclusions for controllable dissipation: The critical influence of packing density. Journal of Physics: Materials 6 2 , , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Cortelli, Giorgio;Grob, Leroy;Patruno, Luca;Cramer, Tobias;Mayer, Dirk;Fraboni, Beatrice;Wolfrum, Bernhard;de Miranda, Stefano: Determination of Stiffness and the Elastic Modulus of 3D-Printed Micropillars with Atomic Force Microscopy—Force Spectroscopy. Biophysics Reviews 3 4 , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Inola Kopic: Rapid Prototyping of 2D- and 3D-Microelectrode Arrays MEAs for in vitro Applications. Macromolecular Bioscience, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Rickert, Carolin A. Advanced Intelligent Systems Volume 6, Issue 11 , more… BibTeX Sommer, Lucas B;Kampfer, Severin;Chemnitz, Tobias;Breitkreutz, Harald;Combs, Stephanie E;Wilkens, Jan J: Pencil beam kernel-based dose calculations on CT data for a mixed neutron-gamma fission field applying tissue correction factors.. IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, more… BibTeX Song, Tianyu;Martin-Gomez, Alejandro;Wang, Qiaochu;Mehrfard, Arian;Fotouhi, Javad;Roth, Daniel;Eck, Ulrich;Navab, Nassir: Impact of Parameter Disentanglement on Collaborative Alignment. Brain research, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Ameres, Valentin;Chetmi, Meriem;Artmann, Lucas;Lueth, Tim C. Communications Medicine 2 1 , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Frank, Manuela;Urban, Theresa;Willer, Konstantin;Noichl, Wolfgang;De Marco, Fabio;Schick, Rafael;Gleich, Bernhard;Schegerer, Alexander;Lechel, Ursula;Meyer, Pascal;Mohr, Juergen;Koehler, Thomas;Yaroshenko, Andre;Maack, Ingo;Pralow, Thomas;Proksa, Roland;R: Erratum: "Dosimetry on first clinical dark-field chest radiography" Med Phys 48 10 , Advanced Functional Materials, , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Kimna, Ceren;Miller Naranjo, Bernardo;Eckert, Franziska;Fan, Di;Arcuti, Dario;Mela, Petra;Lieleg, Oliver: Tailored mechanosensitive nanogels release drugs upon exposure to different levels of stenosis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Martin-Gomez, Alejandro;Merkl, Felix;Winkler, Alexander;Heiliger, Christian;Andress, Sebastian;Song, Tianyu;Eck, Ulrich;Karcz, Konrad;Navab, Nassir: Medical Visualizations with Dynamic Shape and Depth Cues. Fortschritte der Akustik -- DAGA '22, more… BibTeX Hladek, Lubos;Seeber, B. Scientific Data 9 1 , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Khalin, Igor;Adarsh, Nagappanpillai;Schifferer, Martina;Wehn, Antonia;Groschup, Bernhard;Misgeld, Thomas;Klymchenko, Andrey;Plesnila, Nikolaus: Size-Selective Transfer of Lipid Nanoparticle-Based Drug Carriers Across the Blood Brain Barrier Via Vascular Occlusions Following Traumatic Brain Injury.. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Stelter, Jonathan K. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 6 , , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Özsoy, Ege;Czempiel, Tobias;Holm, Felix;Pellegrini, Chantal;Navab, Nassir: LABRAD-OR: Lightweight Memory Scene Graphs for Accurate Bimodal Reasoning in Dynamic Operating Rooms. Springer Nature Switzerland, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Yu, Kevin;Eck, Ulrich;Navab, Nassir: Spatial Exploration with a WiM for Capturing 3D Dioramic Snapshots. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10 , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Kabirian, Fatemeh;Mela, Petra;Heying, Ruth: 4D Printing Applications in the Development of Smart Cardiovascular Implants. Wolfrum: Self-assembly of 2D Materials for 3D Tissue Engineering Platforms. Springer Nature Switzerland, more… BibTeX Full text DOI Pellegrini, Chantal;Keicher, Matthias;Özsoy, Ege;Navab, Nassir: Rad-ReStruct: A Novel VQA Benchmark and Method for Structured Radiology Reporting. Wall, A. JASA Express Letters 4 5 , , more… BibTeX Full text DOI Full text mediaTUM F.